Dr.Nisa Anita

Dr. Nisa is an inspired, well-researched, and motivating teacher with x years of experience within the medical field. Her students have often commended her for her fresh approach to the classroom, which brings a renewed sense of enthusiasm to the learning experience. Her personality is perfectly suited to a healthcare-focused environment. She possesses an approachable demeanor, making it easy for students to approach them with questions or concerns. With a trustworthy character and a reliable mind, students can count on Dr.Nisa for guidance and support.
Having gained extensive knowledge and expertise in the field, Dr.Nisa is well-equipped to lead and educate students in healthcare. Through her passion for teaching and their innate ability to motivate, Dr.Nisa strives to instill a love for learning within their students. Her commitment to fostering a positive and enriching classroom environment creates an atmosphere that encourages growth and achievement. With Dr.Nisa as an educator, students can expect to be inspired, guided, and empowered to succeed in their healthcare education, as they embark on a journey towards becoming compassionate and skilled professionals in the field.

Contact Info: a.nisa@mlvs.org

LAB Clinical Lecture/TAP Instructor She/Her